Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Joined a Challenge

I have joined the Gilmore Girls Reading Challenge! It's the first reading challenge I've ever done, and I figured it'd be fun, seeing how I was going to read all the books mentioned on the show.
The aim is to read a certain number of books mentioned in the series throughout the whole year. I'm going for the Rory level, which is to read 20 books from at least 4 of the different categories. I'm fairly certain I'll be able to read more than 20 this year though.
So yes. That's my goal.


Lisa said...

I'm so glad you're joining us! Looks like you're a fast reader and you've already gotten started! I started reading A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve but then life and other commitments took over and I haven't read another page for the challenge.

Hawkstar said...

Yeah, I've been finding it harder to find time to read after I finished my second book of the year... I'm hoping that will change soon though! Hopefully it does for you as well!